Welcome to Can-Am Urban Native Homes

Our agency is committed to providing affordable and suitable homes for people of Native ancestry living in the city of Windsor.


Can Am Urban Native Homes was established in 1988 to address the urgent need of the Aboriginal Community for affordable housing. We currently have 98 homes throughout the City of Windsor, Ontario. The initial seven years brought about the securing 81 Single family homes with the financial support of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

In 1996, Can-Am Urban Native Homes with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation along with other community partners spearheaded a project that restored a Queen Anne 1894 home rich in Windsor's history. Nash Kanonhsa is a three story walk-up providing three 2 bedroom units.

In 2005, with funding from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada we created two transitional housing units. Biimskiinodin Transitional Home provides Aboriginal Families affordable housing and a plan of care to obtain and maintain permanent housing.

In 2011, with funding from Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services we are able to provide additional housing for singles, seniors and couples. Anishinaabe Gamik has twelve apartments with a mix of affordable rents and rent-geared to income subsidies administered by the City of Windsor.

Mission Statement

Can-Am Urban Native Homes is committed to providing affordable, suitable and safe homes for people of Indigenous ancestry living in the City of Windsor. We deliver housing, programs and services that promote the dignity, well-being and rights of Indigenous People.

Board of Directors

Our Board members are:

  • Russell Nahdee
  • Mona Stonefish
  • Steve Suntres
  • Daniel Byskal
  • Melissa Phillips

New payment options available.

Address: 180 Tecumseh Road East, Windsor, ON N8X 2P8
Phone: (519) 977-7782 | Fax: (519) 977-1820
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